It’s Turkey Season!

After spending a couple years studying and picking up gear like decoys and a slate call, I was finally ready to try photographing wild turkeys. I’ve been out on this pursuit a few times this season and have had mixed success, telling me I still need a lot of practice and plenty of patience.

These hens were looking around for their potential rival – me!

On my morning walks I discovered that a couple of wood lots in the neighborhood common grounds held a nice little population of these birds. I figured this would be a great start for my “turkey hunting” career as these turkeys would be somewhat used to people, have seen limited, if any hunting pressure, and lived about a mile from our front door. This close vicinity to me is a huge plus. To optimize chances for success, it’s important to get out to their location and setup in my bag blind before first light. Having this close opportunity means that I don’t have to get up and drive an hour away to get to my destination before dawn.

One of approximately ten toms that I encountered on this morning.

Because these wood lots are so small, I knew that I will be setup close enough so that they can hear my turkey yelps, cuts and clucks, as pathetic as they may be. But on this occasion, everything seemed to work nicely – too nicely, in fact. I did not expect such nice results so soon. Shortly after setting up and as the light began to increase to levels I could see without a headlamp, I heard gobbles and yelps up in the hollow where this wood lot is located. This wound up leading to my first learning of the day.

Where is that hussy!?

Figuring it would probably take some time to coax them into my area, I began hitting the pot call with my best impersonation of a hen who lost her way. In less than five minutes, my decoys were being swarmed by close to 20 birds, a nearly perfect mix of hens and toms. I could not get an accurate count because of my ground-level position and the trees and other obstacles blocking my view. This was too early! I was shooting with a much slower shutter speed and high ISO than I was comfortable with. Shooting at 1/50 sec. using a 600mm lens is rarely a recipe for success. I wound up with a lot of shots that were ruined by the movement of the turkeys. Thankfully, with my spray and prey attitude, I wound up with enough keepers to make me happy.

Wish I had a snood…

I learned other things on this morning. First, 600mm might be a little too long, at least for these neighborhood turkeys. Something in the 400-500mm range would be more appropriate. If possible, moving further from the decoys might work well, but at this location, it is not possible to find clear shooting lanes of great enough length due to vegetation and rolling topography.

Being so close to these birds who had no clue I was there was such a thrill!

I’ve been back to this location and opened up my shooting lane more by cutting out bush honeysuckle and dead scrub that blocks my view.

After speaking with a couple of turkey hunting friends of mine, it appeared that most of the toms I photographed could be considered two-year old birds, due to the length of their beards and spurs.

After just a few minutes of searching for the apparent lost hen, the group lost interest and headed up the hollow to congregate in the neighborhood yards. I was quite pleased to have been able to call this group of birds in and then leave without having burned myself. They had no clue I was there and I was able to breakdown and leave without causing them any stress.

Not a legendary double-bearded tom, but a couple of bros strutting side by side.

My next goal is to get out to some of our local Conservation Areas to try my skills at some “wilder” turkeys before hunting season begins. This will require some hiking and listening for gobbles. I would also love to find an opportunity to shoot “field turkeys.” This will entail setting up along the edge of forest and field, and hopefully allow me to have clearer shooting lanes and better light.

Still looking

Like I mentioned, this is a new endeavor for me. I did not group up hunting, but I am attempting to learn the same set of skills that hunters use. If you have any tips or tricks, I would appreciate hearing them.


5 thoughts on “It’s Turkey Season!

  1. Too bad you’re not a bit closer to my place…my yard & dolomite glade turn into turkey courting yards in the spring 🙂

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